Sunday, November 30, 2014

Celebrating My Children (Week 5)

Another week of this weekly celebration. I could get used to this, and I am actually enjoying doing it. This may just become permanant. As hard as the days may be, writing about the things that make my children wonderful helps put things into perspective. I am reminded to dig through all that I could complain about and instead smile about the great things. 

This week I want to celebrate them together. Usually, I write about them individually, but this week I want to write about how wonderful their bond is and in the ways it has made me smile this week.  My boys are best friends. I've written about that before. It is such a heart warming thing to witness. 

They are so close. Possibly because they're 18 months apart. For as long as I can remember Mason has embraced the big brother roll. Always always watching out for his brother. When Logan becomes overwhelmed there is Mason trying to make it all better. It's so cute. Recently, I have been spending a lot of time at home while dad is at work. Not sure how or where Mason has picked up the, "you be the mommy and I be the daddy and Logy our baby" when dad isn't home. He has no problem stepping up to help. He will help to take meals to the table when needed, he will throw diapers away for me, and has even put his brother to sleep. 

I am so grateful for them and the bond they share. I know they will always have each other no matter what. Just like my siblings and I have each other. We're not close in age and don't talk everyday, but when we do it's like we never stopped. 

Do your children have siblings or even cousins they are close to? 

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