Sunday, November 2, 2014

Celebrating My Children

Image from: Google

With all the chaos going on right now, and all the stress from everyday life it is very easy to forget to celebrate our children. I've decided to celebrate their weekly accomplishments, and blog about it. 

In the past couple of weeks we have had to deal with a lot. We are struggling to connect with our 3 year old. He doesn't quite understand that his brother is different. He struggles to make sense of it all, so our day is not complete without lots of screaming and crying. Sigh. That's not what this is all about though. I'm here to celebrate the great things that happened this past week for them. 

My son Mason (shy of 3 1/2) learned to write the letters O, H, T, A, I, L all on his own with only simple direction from me. While my heart and mind are still struggling between homeschool or not I still want to teach my boys as much as I possibly can at home, and at their own pace. My approach was going to be the connect the dots system that I learned from. However, my son learns differently, and that doesn't work for him. So I drew the letters for him on a paper and gave him directions like, "T is across then down" and guess what? My boy did it!  I wish I had pictures to share, but this mama bought color wonder markers and the wrong paper, so they're kind of invisible unless you can stare at the paper upfront. Sorry. :( 

My other son Logan (shy of 22 months, and non-verbal) has been going to speech therapy for nearly a month now...finally. We as a family, and with his amazing speech therapist decided that American Sign Language is a wonderful route to take for him. He uses his body to communicate, and he uses it well. The past couple of weeks we have been teaching him more, done, and eat. Very repetitive stuff. Over and over, all day long, but he finally signed to us. He has been doing done for a little over a week now, and yesterday he did more. His therapist has taught us techniques to teach him through play. Although the uncertainty of his development often breaks my heart into pieces. I am so proud of him. :)

Celebrating their accomplishments fills me with pride and joy. It helps me focus on all the good things in my life rather than all that is or could be going wrong. What are your little ones accomplishments? 


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