Friday, December 12, 2014

Celebrating my Children (Weeks 6 & 7)

I am so sorry that I didn't post week 6 this past Sunday. Life got super crazy overnight with the holidays fast approaching. I've been caught up running around everywhere, so I will combine the past two weeks.

Mister Mason has had an eventful couple of weeks. I want to praise him for never complaining when he is dragged along for all of his brother's appointments. He is the very best of the best. While there are no right words to really help him understand...I know some part of him does. I'll also congratulate him on losing his first tooth. Well...not really. He broke his tooth off. I won't go into details, but this little man was very brave. He didn't even flinch when I took him to the dentist after it all happened. How did I get so lucky? He is also super excited for Christmas, and helped Daddy pick out our tree. He helped me decorate it. I constantly hear him saying things like "Happy Christmas" or "Christmas is coming soon". That innocence is just so priceless. 

Mister Logan is just the cutest thing. He spent a week away from speech therapy over Thanksgiving. When he went back he had a rough time, but bounced right back. He's making lots of progress. Baby steps. Lots of them. I have recently heard him saying what sounds like "one, two, three". He's not quite saying the exact word, but you can hear the attempt at the sound. Then, today he was trying to sing "clean up, clean up". It is just the most adorable thing, and it makes my heart happy to see that someday I will hear "mommy" or "I love you". It may not be today or tomorrow, but I'll hear it. He's also getting very good with signing, so now we're trying to make him sign phrases like "more please". He's done that a couple of time. I'm excited for him and I'm excited to see progress. 

What have your littles been up to?

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