Sunday, November 23, 2014

Celebrating My Children (Week 4)

Writing this blog as my children attempt to make me lose my sh*t is probably the funniest thing to happen to me today. I want to pully hair out, but instead I am going to get past all the negatives I could be writing about, and celebrate the wonder that are my boys. I'll take a nap later...*yawn*...yes I really did yawn. ;)

This week I want to talk about Logan first. We have been working very hard to learn and teach him how to communicate with us. It is starting to show. He has done some awesome things this week, but two have really stuck to me. A couple of weeks back I was the boys' tickle monster. I would say "I'm gonna get ya", and then tickle them silly. I used it as a way for Logan to say he wanted more. He did great. He would sign more in that cute way he does, and say "mo". Well apparently he remember that very well because on multiple different occasions he has come up to me and signed/said more. When I ask him what he wants he wiggles his little fingers and starts his gibberish. That's his way of telling me he wants me to tickle him. It melts my heart. Another thing he did, and this was just over the weekend is pretend on a phone. He actually put the phone to his ear and said what sounded like hello. He would hand it to me, I would say "hello are you looking for Logan?, and hand it back. He takes the phone and says again what sounds like hello. This went on for about 2-3 minutes. While it may seem like not a big deal to some...for me it is. This is all from the child that spends a good 80% either isolated or screaming/crying because that's the only way he is able to express himself. To me it's a HUGE deal! 

Oh Mason! This boy is something else. He's always been rambunctious and such a character. These days I am not mommy. I am Captain Mommy! He says things like "ok captain mommy" or "you the best captain mommy forever." I love this boy. He has been asking us for a bike for so long. We didn't have funds to get him one for his birthday in June, and so we planned to have "Santa" bring him one. The other day we found one at a second hand store for less that what a new pair of shoes would cost and we decided to get it for him just because. He is the most grateful kid ever. He will over and over say "thank you mommy, thank you daddy. I love my bike." The best part of this all is that he learned to ride in a matter of a day. He conquered not knowing how to pedal or turn corners...all in a day. He's very proud of himself, and we are of him! 

What things did your littles get into this past week? 

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