Monday, December 22, 2014

Celebrating My Children (Week 8 & 9)

I'm seriously slacking on my blogging, but this time I have a legitimate explanation. My son lost my iPhone last weekend, and then it was Christmas. I really enjoyed spending time with my family since it was the FIRST Christmas we both had off. Thankfully, we found the phone. Lots of fun things have happened this past week and I am excited to share. Let's get right to it. 

I really could say a million things about Logan. There are good days and bad days. With him you just never really know what kind of day we will have. He spends most of his day stuck on the iPhone that he doesn't let go once he gets his hands on it, until it dies. At which point we hide it to try and engage him in other things. It's very hard. He's done well these past two weeks and we are starting to see some progress. At functions like speech therapy he doesn't quite behave like he does at home and vice versa. However, the week before Christmas I was baking cookies, and I asked him if he wanted cookies. He responded by saying "toot-tee", and just yesterday I finally heard him say what his speech therapist has been telling me he says. Car, moo, quack quack, and choo choo. Of course he doesn't say it like you and I would, but he does the approximation and that's good enough for us. If there is one thing I am learning on this journey it is that every little thing, big or small is celebrated. Some days the simple fact that he ate his meals without a meltdown is a reason to celebrate. Him letting us brush his teeth or attempting it on his own without a meltdown is a big deal. Baths without him screaming about water poured on him call for a round of applause. I'm so proud of him, and I'm his biggest fan.

I'll never get tired of commending Mason for how great he is. I hope he grows up to know he's appreciate. I could not survive life with out this beautiful souls. He means the absolute world to me for many reasons. A few weeks ago out of nowhere and without hesitation he asked for his hair short "like daddy." He said he didn't want it in his eyes anymore. While we had attempted haircuts before they had always been rough. Giving him the power of deciding proved to me that he will do things when he feels ready. Over Christmas he once again showed us how wonderful he is. I wasn't expecting Logan to be overwhelmed on Christmas morning, but Mason took it upon himself to open his brother's gifts for him. He showed every single one of them to him, and Logan smiled at his silly brother trying to make him laugh. It was such a magical moment. I couldn't have asked for a better kid. He's awesome!

Here's a picture from Christmas night when we went to see the lights. We had a great time. How are all your littles? Wishing you all a great holiday season! Xoxo


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