Friday, January 9, 2015

Celebrating My Children (Week 10 & 11)

The holidays have come and gone. Our tree is down and decorations are stored away until next year. Life is returning to "our" sense of normal. Since this week is nearly over I'll do another weekly joined post. Next week will be the last week of this series. I haven't decided yet if I will continue it, if I will continue on a monthly basis to give myself more time to post on other topics or if I'll just stop completely. That's to be determined.

Mason has done some wonderful "big boy" things these past couple of weeks. I can't believe how big he is growing right in front of my eyes. It's like I blink and miss everything. He's so helpful to me with his brother. He comforts him when he's upset. It really is such a beautiful thing to watch. He's the most amazing kid I know. He's got this "I do it mommy" attitude, and it's so fun to watch.

He has been potty trained for nearly 2 and a half years. The only part of potty training that we have struggled with is using the potty at night. For as long as I can remember we have taken him 3-4 hours after he goes to bed to avoid accidents. The other night he got up before we could go take him. He went and used the potty, and when I heard him awake he was already on his way to going back to bed. We were so proud that he knew just what to do. We encouraged him to keep doing so. He hasn't done it again, but I have no doubts it will happen soon.

We are so proud of our Logy! He's made some progress the past few weeks. We're taking baby steps, but they are in the right direction. He's been echoing more words. He still doesn't speak so to say, but he repeats at times even if he doesn't know what it means. Around the times of New Year's Mase was snacking on carrots and to our surprise Logan picked two up and started sucking on them. While no actual bites were taken he allowed himself to touch and taste them. It was such a great thing, and a big deal! 

I started this series to focus on my children's positives and not so much on how difficult motherhood can be. It has helped get me through the bad days thinking of all the positives I will write about later. What kinds of things did you child/children get into these past few weeks? Until next week...✌️

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