Monday, January 12, 2015

Celebrating My Children (Week 12)

Hellooooo everyone! This is my final week of this weekly series. I've decided to give the series a rest (for now). I want to pick it back up sometime, but I'm just not sure when to do so. In the meantime, there's tons of things that will be happening around here this year. I'll leave it at that because that's a matter for another post. 

This week I want to celebrate what these boys are together. There are not enough words to describe how wonderful Mason is with his brother. These days it's quite hard for Logan to interact with his brother. Some days they play together and others Logan is so withdrawn that it's almost as if Mason isn't even here. However, Mason has never given up. He always tries to engage his brother. What makes me the most proud is that I don't have to ask Mason to do these things. He just takes it upon himself to not leave him out of things. 

Earlier this week while Logan was having OT at home, I chose to do some coloring with Mason. Out of nowhere he tells me, "mommy let's make Valentine cards." I had no idea he knew what Valentine was. He chose to make card for daddy, his cousin Jacob, and himself. Lol! He even attempted to write Jacob's name and his own. Is my 3 year old the only one in learning how to write? Or am I having a hard time admitting that he is growing up?

Logan had a really big week this week. I say big because even the smallest of things he does are a big deal to us. HE ATE APPLESAUCE! He whined and cringed, but he swallowed the applesauce. His speech therapist who also does feeding for him has been working with him trying to get him to eat it for nearly two months now. He ate an entire snack cup of it. We are so proud of him. He didn't eat it again when I offered it at lunch and he screamed when I offered it at lunch yesterday. However, I'm taking it as he just didn't want any at that moment and will keep offering it. We're doing baby steps. 

What kind of awesome things did your little ones do this week?

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