Monday, October 27, 2014

The "Good" Mother

What is a good mother? To whom's standards do we consider a mom good or bad. Is there such thing as a bad mom or is it misunderstood. 

To me a good mother is she who puts her children before anything. A good mom takes her children into consideration before making decisions. Her heart swells at their smiles even if her eyes roll when they are a handful. However, how or what she feeds them, their sleeping arrangements, her form of discipline, public or homeschool, working or staying home does not define her.

The amount of judgement passed on social media from mother to mother seriously sickens me. When will we stop? We have to stick together. Sometimes as mothers we're the only ones that we can relate to. I know sometimes I read posts on Instagram from other moms and I'm like "omg me too, I'm not alone!" 

However lately,  I've seriously wondered what it is I am doing wrong. Why can't my 3 year old and I connect. Why are we bumping heads? I've been yelling during the day, exasperated with all that's rushing through my mind, and crying myself to sleep at night wondering how I can be better. I must be doing something right though. My children love me unconditionally. They see my flaws, but they don't care. In their eyes I am a good mother. 

As women not just as mothers we are our own biggest critics. We see someone else doing good in something and beat ourselves up for not being as good at it. Let's celebrate our flaws. Let's celebrate our accomplishments. Let's empower one another. Let's stop kicking each other when we're down. 

We are all good mothers to our children. They are unique. What works for our children won't ever work for another's child. We always have our child's best interest at heart even if to another it's not the right way. To us it is. We are good mothers. 

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