Sunday, November 9, 2014

Celebrating My Children (Week 2)

Last week I decided that I would start a weekly blog series dedicated to celebrating my children. Things have been rough for us. Parenting is tough, but the purpose of this is to focus on the positives and not so much the negative. I'm not sure how long I'll run it for, but for now my goal is 3 months. 

I'll start with my beautiful son Mason. This boy has a heart of gold. He's like a grown up and a little boy all in one. He may watch documentaries about dinosaurs, mammals, and other creatures constantly, but he still likes to lay on my lap and have me sing him lullabies. He still enjoys climbing into our bed at the wee hours of the morning to snuggle. I love this child! This week he has been such an amazing help. He has helped me cook meals, and also bake some goodies. He has be reassuring me that I am the best mommy. He knows his mama needs to feel loved. His biggest accomplishment this week has been improving his behavior. He has been able to listen more, and say excuse when I am talking to someone. The biggest of all though has been his patience. He has endured tagging along to so many appointments for his brother, and has waited patiently. Well, as patient as a 3 year old gets, but he's done great! 

Oh my sweet sweet Logan, how I love him so. Though this week has been rough for us, we now have answers that I am not ready to speak about. However, Logan has now been doing speech therapy for a month and he's learning to communicate his needs without letting things get the best of him. He will on occasion sign more or hand us what he needs (like his sippy for a drink). He will also take my hand and guide me to where he wants to go. Someone suggested pictures of things to help him communicate with us. I think that would be great for him. On top of all his improvement with communication Logan actually had some meat this past week without fussing. He tried rib and steak and didn't even flinch. I am so excited for him. He is still mostly sticking to pbjs, but that is a huge deal that he was willing to try meat. 

What things did your littles accomplish this week? 


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